Rx Colors


This document is automatically generated from the list of colors. Do not modify it.

These colors are to be used across all Rx Open Tools.


Color Name Hex
Black #000000
Obsidian #151515
Abyss Grey #1c1c1c
Very Dark Grey #222222
Darker Grey #252525
Dark Grey #333333
Less Dark Grey #434343
Medium Grey #6d6d6d
Less Light Grey #9d9d9d
Light Grey #e3e3e3
White #ffffff


Some of these tints have a specific meaning, especially when used with icons. See the icon color section for more information and a list of those.

Dark tints

Darker tints are to be used on lighter backgrounds (Lightness > 50%).

Color Name Hex
Dark Cyan #00a2a3
Dark Blue #10688e
Dark Green #3e8b45
Dark Purple #8109ad
Dark Pink #842c53
Dark Citrus #84b330
Dark Red #ac1010

Light tints

Lighter tints are to be used on darker backgrounds (Lightness < 50%).

Color Name Hex
Light Cyan #00a2a3
Light Blue #83d3f6
Light Green #8ad891
Light Purple #d588f1
Light Citrus #d8ff8c
Yellow #ecd718
Light Pink #f188ba
Light Red #f96969

Specific colors

These colors are not part of the colors which should be used by RxOT, but they may be useful for intergration into host platforms.

Color Name Hex
Ae Grey #262626
Ae Blue #2D8CEB
Ae Grey Light #4d4d4d
Rxlab Purple #a526c4
Rainbox Productions Red #ec1818